Just follow your heart

Just follow your heart”…. ♥️

If you are like me you have probably heard that repeatedly over the years. It sounds nice and sweet. Especially on this week of all things hearts. The world’s message is, follow your heart and you will be happy.

Numbers 15:39 b … and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring:

My thoughts and Bible reading of late has been repeatedly drawn to the story of Noah and his family; and Abraham and Isaac. Often God does that, brings a theme to your study of His word.
For me the theme is absolute obedience. Noah was given the warning from God about the plans to send a flood to cover the earth. Noah obeyed built the ark, saved his family and the animals, in the ark. Faith is, no evidence of things seen. He had to follow God having never before seen rain or a flood. Faith isn’t faith if we have to SEE to believe.

Abraham was told to take Isaac, his promised faith child, up the mountain and sacrifice him. These men followed God believing that HE who called them to these things would be faithful.

God has me on what I am calling a faith journey. This journey has several areas that are requiring faith and obedience. This journey began several months ago. God starting stirring in my heart in a most unusual way. That is how I knew it was God. It was not my, “following my heart”. My heart resisted initially, I did not want that thing God was doing. For months now I have been praying earnestly; fasting in different forms, and seeking. I am knocking, asking God to give me His heart, His mind about the matter I don’t want to follow my heart, it will lead my astray.

As Abraham and Isaac climbed the mountain to sacrifice, Genesis 22:5 says there were other young men with them. The thought struck me was Abraham tempted to substitute one of these young men for Isaac? God didn’t want a sacrifice of Isaac he only wanted to know that Abraham would be willing to give up what was most precious to him to obey.

What if Noah had resisted and decided he didn’t want to be bothered with building an ark? What if he had other plans and ambitions for his time and money.
Noah acted in faith…faith is not sight. Faith only becomes sight after obedience. God does not spell it all out to us, ask our opinion on the matter, He simply says will you obey?

One night as I was thinking about this journey God has me on, the doubts and uncertainty began. The enemy came against me tempting me to not believe God. Then the thought came, the answer is, “Yes Lord”. Not yes Lord, send the details and I will think about it but, “yes Lord,” period! I am asking God to purify my motives show me if anything I am seeking is not of Him.
He says if any man lacks wisdom let him ask of God. That is what I have been doing over and over. Lord show me, I want your will.

Maybe there is something God is showing you? Maybe an area He wants to grow you spiritually? Maybe He wants you to follow Him like Abraham up the mountain. Genesis 22:2 God did not tell Abraham ahead of time which mountain he would sacrifice on, not until he was already on his journey did God show him.

God wants us to follow HIM and His leading in our lives. As I shared last month in the blog He does not usually work in straight clear paths. He often works through things that to us seem impossible, improbable, ways that all doubt is erased that it is, only God.

Whatever THING has you bound by doubt and fear, release it to God, say, “YES LORD”. There is no greater joy than to follow God’s heart.

God bless you as you journey with the Master, Creator of heaven and earth.

I would really like to hear your journey of faith, please feel free to share with me how God is working as you follow Him.

God bless you, I pray that in the months to come I will be able to share in more detail my journey. Right now I’m still waiting for all the faith to be made sight.

Following after HIS heart,
~ Lynell K.