June Memory Scripture

John 15:12. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

What an awesome verse. Do we realize what this actually means? How does Jesus love? He came from the glories of heaven to become a human child who was dependent on others. He grew into a man who picked 12 special followers and one betrayed Him. He always had time for needy people – whether they needed healing, time, truth, etc. He went to the cross voluntarily and died for our sins. And He rose from the dead that we can live with Him in heaven.

How do we love? Do we take time to see the needs of others in our family, our church family, our workplace, etc. Are we too busy to help a brother in need? Do we really listen to someone who needs us to hear what they are not saying? Do we share our time, talents, energies?

What does it mean to love as Jesus loves us? He always put others before Himself. He was a true servant. Let’s love others the way Jesus loves us!