Proverbs 22:6. Train up a child in the way he should go; And when he is old, he will not depart from it.
This is not a promise that if you train a child right, he will accept the Lord. It’s a warning to parents to train their children so they will make wise choices when they are grown. We all want our children to be saved. All of us have free wills. Just because you have trained them in the ways of God, they have to choose to be saved and follow Him. Many parents have agonized over wayward children and felt as if God didn’t keep his promise, or they were not good parents. You have done your best. Keep praying for them.
Proverbs 20:11 Even a child is known by his doings, Whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.
We can say we love the Lord, but our actions tell the story. If a child says I love Jesus but continually disobeys parents, argues continually with siblings, or loses their temper, it doesn’t seem that they love Jesus. It is the same for us. Our actions tell what’s truly in our heart. (Luke 6:45). Don’t just say you love Jesus. Show it by the way you live. Actions speak louder than words!