Matthew 5:9,10. Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for rightessness’ sake: for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.

Dictionary says peace is freedom from disturbance; Tranquility. We need to make peace with God, ourselves, and then those around us. Romans 12:18 says as much as is possible, live at peace with all men. In John 14:27 God gives us His peace. If we want to live godly lives, we must be peacemakers. If you see two boys fighting in the street, do you try to break it up? Or are you rooting one on to attack the other? We can have peace in the midst of storms. We must show others how to have this peace that only comes from a right relationship with God. Be a peacemaker!
Persecution – dictionary says hostility and ill treatment. Does anyone ever make fun of you for your faith? Or treat you badly because you tell them about Jesus? Or harass you because you home school? That is being persecuted. We don’t have it too bad here in the US yet, but it is getting worse. Some missionaries can be killed for their faith. Remember it says for righteousness sake. So if you’re sharing the gospel, but being crabby, lying about your friends, and quarreling with your neighbors, you can expect persecution. Your actions are not proving your faith. (I Peter 3:14-17.) Peace and persecution. Is that possible? With Jesus, all things are possible. (Mark 10:27 and Matthew 19:26).